永利官网有幸邀请到两位海外著名专家:Dr. Marlise Horst和Dr. Minghui Gao来永利官网进行为期三周(第15、16、17周)的学术讲座(共计14场)。以下是第15、16、17周的讲座安排,有兴趣的老师和同学请按时到场并下载相关附件。
Venue: Room 425,School of Foreign languages.
Lecture No. |
Time |
Speaker |
Theme |
01 |
10:00 -11:30, May 31 |
Dr. Marlise Horst |
Setting Goals for Learning Academic Vocabulary |
02 |
10:00 -11:30, June 1 |
Learning Academic Vocabulary Through Reading |
03 |
10:00 -11:30, June 2 |
Teaching and Explaining Academic Vocabulary |
04 |
10:00 -11:30, June 3 |
Resources for Teaching and Learning Academic Vocabulary |
05 |
14:30 -16:00, June 7 |
Dr. Minghui Gao |
Paradigms in Social Science Research |
06 |
14:30 -16:00, June 8 |
The Logic of Design in Qualitative Inquiry |
07 |
10:00 -11:30, June 9 |
The Logic of Design in Quantitative Research |
08 |
10:00 -11:30, June 10 |
The Logic of Design in Mixed-Methods Research |
09 |
10:00 -11:30, June 12 |
Dr. Marlise Horst |
Teaching Academic Reading – lessons from Research |
10 |
10:00 -11:30, June 13 |
Introduction to Corpus Linguistics for Language Teaching |
11 |
14:30 -16:00, June 13 |
Exploring Academic Corpora |
12 |
10:00 -11:30, June 14 |
Exploring Learner Corpora |
13 |
10:00 -11:30, June 15 |
Data-driven Learning |
14 |
10:00 -11:30, June 16 |
Vocabulary, Reading and Corpora: Bringing It All Together |
第一位专家:Dr. Marlise Horst
Dr. Marlise Horst, from Department of Education, Concordia University, is a specialist in second language vocabulary acquisition with over 20 years of Applied Linguistics teaching and research experience. She recently taught courses in applied corpus linguistics, second language vocabulary acquisition, the history of English for language teachers, and research methods for Applied Linguistics. Her publications in internationally recognized journals include studies of learning English vocabulary through reading, using technology and attending to spoken input in the language classroom.
At the moment, Dr. Horst lives and works in Montreal, Canada, but she has extensive experience of teaching overseas. She has taught English as a second language in the United States, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Sultanate of Oman and Hong Kong. In addition to her academic work, Marlise enjoys travel, cooking and needlework. Her handmade quilts have been exhibited in several Montreal shows. (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Marlise_Horst/publications)
第二位专家:Dr. Minghui Gao
Dr. Minghui Gao is a Professor of Education at the College of Education & Behavioral Science, Arkansas State University. Hailing from China via Harvard University, Minghui Gao is a loving husband and father, and above all, an educator for over 15 years. He first decided to become an educator so that he could inspire children to explore the unknown; then inspired to becoming a rule-breaking teacher educator, he dedicated himself to learning the rules so that he might break them more fully and artistically. To this end, Gao received BA in English Literature, M.Ed. in International Teacher Education, Ed.M. in Cognition and Instruction, and Doctor of Education in Learning and Teaching with a concentration on adolescent cognition and psychosocial development. For many years, Gao has been investigating cognition and instructional design, individual and organizational learning, and human symbolic capacities and their development. (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Minghui_Gao2)